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قالب وبلاگ

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 92/4/5 | 10:50 صبح | نویسنده : دیدن صفحه اصلی وبلاگ


Picture Exchange Communication Systems - PECS
Another major problem of Autistic children, families and communities out of the house. People stare, children observed Ironically, blame the parents, lack of parental stress in parents is all causes discomfort and avoidance of gatherings attended by the parents of one of its consequences. Example, may not Autistic Child The food is nothing to stop someone from her plate. Just the experience of going to the party fears that parents have different excuses and refuse to do it. Therefore withdraw escape from others and causes the closure of the parents to can be converted into Melancholy communicate with others and enjoy being with others and in resorts. Thus, parents gradually withdraw from friends and relatives and they just are. These issues further discomfort and increased stress on the family.
Another concern of parents is that their children"s future. They know that no one would like their child"s care. They try to make all children feel comfortable and have less discomfort. Parents are concerned about whether their child"s comfort will be the next?
The financial problems of other families of autistic children are. Having an autistic child in the family spend a lot of money for trials, hearings, diagnosis, and treatment programs at home, and treatments and other drugs. Since in many cases the child will always have one parent who had participated in the program have to have only one parent can work and the other to work the meaning half of renounces income as well.
Parents of autistic children have always felt a great sadness, and it is being deprived of healthy children have loved. They are always longing for family in good condition expected to exist in their home. This increases their feelings of grief and stress the family is upset.
Brothers and sisters, the families of these children are also exposed to various types of stress and anxiety. Embarrassment of their friends about their disabled brother or sister, about dealing with jealousy over his parent"s brother or sister is autistic, disability, autistic brother or sister to play with him, the violence of the brothers or Autistic sisters to worry about his future, and ... Can all cause stress and concern to them., We know that parents with an autistic child are living in difficult situations and understand and feel they have a problem, however to help children and families, the hardness of put up with appropriate and that a planning period until the earlier of these problems can be reduced and the child treatment. Here are some suggestions to reduce stress in these families are discussed.
We also recommend to your family members, especially parents and what they like to have. Parents often say that they are the answer to these proposals when they left., But we must remember that even a few minutes a day is can also be very effective. Some parents even spend a few minutes rubbing cream into their hands, cook their favorite food, or listening to your favorite music and provide an opportunity for relaxation. Might be surprised to hear that even the parents as well as Autistic Child for the work that they are doing the best job they can continue to receive incentives. In addition to encouraging their family members should also encourage each other. The couple should also encourage each other, and this problem continues to be a source of hope for others as well to remember that the child"s brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters and also to help encouraged, and they continued to Autistic Promote job. Couple must give it up to just being put together to reduce stress and fatigue. Of course, quality is more important for this time period. This can be a time when children are sleeping or when they are in the classroom and provide treatment.
Another way to reduce stress and anxiety can include: prayer, exercise, relaxation and deep breathing exercises, writing for a newspaper, planning to do unpaid work during the day, addressing arts walking, visiting with friends and ...

Security at Home
Many parents and caregivers of autistic children know safe home environment for children. Putting the security of the input and output of the stairs, put on jack protector of electricity, and lock on cabinets can additional security issues. The security issues for all parents of children in the first years of life there, but parents of autistic children may need to have these things for a longer time. Autistic Child in a the occurrence of incidents of to have a jumping up and down he ample itself back and forth, tearing things, dropping things on the floor, hitting devices around, on and off appliances, putting things in housekeeping, and ... Can all be causes of accidents are ignored. Match the kids to play, just how much can be dangerous. Thus the observance of safety at home and also try to educate children about these issues is necessary. Here are our recommendations for Autistic Children"s Home to offer you more security. Should remember that the house can also be a classroom for children. Parents put extra locks, alarm devices and use symbols and pictures to make the home environment safer and to provide education to children. It is one of the places where children spend most of their time in their rooms and start his own. For example, if your child loves the hot water tap in the shower with the shower began to open it, or if the child is out of the house most of the Home must think measures. Furniture and other household items such viola, as well as to provide educational opportunities for children are not safe for children. For example, if a child is sitting in the chair to provide education for children. Baby equipment and furniture that can be moved up to shelves and other means of access to, move to another place. If a child puts things into their mouths, it is better to keep the surface clean, the furniture and objects that children can easily Planning has access to the location of his of the reach of move. The stairs are in place and the risk of falls and barriers put in place to destroy the threat. Output to the home where the child should be locked in. They stopped only when the child is unable to put into them. Some parents prevent children from leaving their rooms at night, the room is that special child lock. Do not forget to lock your child"s room by accident, so that no prisoner shall be locked and can easily quickly, and the load. Kshvhayy of the means of cabinets and Negah sharp and are you in the drug Please be sure to provide proper locking up children can not open them. If your child has a habit of hanging onto the window, it means that the child is to reach the top of the window, move to another place to put windows in the guard. The electrical outlet cover may be made. For rooms where appliances such as washing machines, TV room and ... Think arrangements to have their child fails to launch. Electric wires and cables out of the reach of children unable to install the child to play with them. Laundry powder, fuels, Mvadshvyndh, disinfectants and general chemicals can cause an accident, they put out of the reach of children. There are chocolate colored tablets that are very similar to some of the children are not subjected to very careful. They are likely to tighten things up and putting the decorate glass and metal available in places where children can avoid. That are rounded tip scissors should be used in the home and place of knives and sharp tools out of reach of children choose.

Siblings of autistic children
For parents and families raising autistic children will have problems. Of the major problems of lack of parental desires all men to come to the family. Almost all parents of autistic children with issues involving time and energy spent a little time for himself and family, leaving other issues. Many parents admit that they do not have enough time to deal with family members. Many of your parents, your life, your dreams and your sacrificing to help their autistic child and no meaning in their lives, addressing their cause, but it should not be forgotten that deal with other family members. Conditions should be provided in addition to addressing the other children, telling them that their autistic brother or sister, all of which have significant problems should be taught to help with the attempt to them would be help from its parents and understand them. Research and experience has shown that many of these brothers and sisters have been able to deal well with the problems and treatment of children have an important. Parents and other family members to better explain the behavior of children with autism and its effects on patient and deal with it better known. Family meetings should be held once in every subject autism and things that are going to do it they the things to the other are members Explain. The description should be tried and their age-appropriate issues are discussed to better understand the problem. Autistic children should have the characteristics of other family members as well be talking to a child"s safe to say, when he goes to play with an autistic child may the child a healthy child, the patient do. We must realize that healthy children do not intend to deliberately pediatric patients and pediatric patients, he must try to communicate with him to the attention attracted. There are recipes that can be trained to their healthy siblings with their autistic brother or sister, communicate and play. Such training could include the following: attention to sick children, giving simple commands, and to promote and encourage good behavior and play.
You must be a specific time during the week for non-autistic children so they can toss their fun and enjoy your time.
The content provided in this third quarter, we had an article translated Autism Society of America, familiar people, especially parents of autistic children have. We thank the producers of this article and hope that it translates well to the Iranian families who have autistic children and the importance of this issue and Hmyntvrbray others who are interested be useful.
Translator of this article knows it delivered empty and wrong and hope that readers of this article will help us improve future translations. You can send your comments to this address:

Who is known as Autism?
B is a 4 year old son to the pediatrician, child psychiatrist for evaluation is introduced. Parents said that children up to age 5/1 at the neck to sit and walk normal but delayed onset of speech. After the family moved in about two years of development, so that children are not used prior or misplaced wrong words are used is. Bahmsalan relations are already in trouble and can not dating. When attending a kindergarten class behaves as if no one is present. Eye contact or stare is limited. The kind of parent does not respond. It seems more at home in himself and in his own fantasy world sails. Others without understanding the concepts, words and phrases are repeated often heard phrase is repeated in the present. Below uses the pronoun I, and his name is called. Understand the concepts and commands, but the focus is very low, so that the slightest distraction he is causing environmental stimuli. Repetitive movements has long been a preferred toy car wheel or be entertained for hours Rarvshn and turns off the power switch or the remote control buttons to play,. Has a special interest in mechanical devices such as motion fan, washing machine, vacuum cleaner sound and the attention he draws. On the other hand, shows a particular interest in the commercials and the rhythm of the words and the music is Rabsvrt parrots. Sometimes an unusual situation holds in her hand and sorted by hand to strike her. Long involved shaking, spinning, ... It is. Certain habits, such as at home on a clear path to move. It does not play with toys for a specific order so that they are Chynd in bed instead of getting upset she is. The laboratory tests, EEG and CT scan of the brain is not shown specifically. According to history, psychology and psychiatric evaluation, a child with autistic disorder.
Autism is a developmental disorder that is characterized by abnormal behaviors and verbal communication. Symptoms of this disorder occur in the first three years of life. The main cause of ADHD is unknown and is more prevalent in boys than girls. Social and economic conditions, lifestyle, and level of parental education has a role in causing autism. The disorder of the brain"s normal development of social and communication skills in the area of ??influence. Children and adults with autism in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and activities are difficult to play. The problems associated with them make it difficult for others and the outside world. In some cases their behavior and aggression Zaranh there. In these repetitive movements (clapping, jumping) or resistance to change, and may also be seen in the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste also show unusual sensitivity. The core problem is in autism-related disorders.
Fifty percent of autistic children are able to use language as a means of communicating with others. Not apply pronoun "I" verbal characteristics of these children. Other issues surrounding spoken words and sentences are repeated.

What is pervasive developmental disorders?
Disorder, pervasive developmental disorders, there are several sub-groups. The pervasive developmental disorders, severe damage can be seen in several areas of development. People who pervasive developmental disorders are categorized in social communication problem, but its severity varies.
Main points that show the differences between the disorders is discussed below:

Autistic Disorder: communication, social interaction and imaginative play is significantly damaged. Interests, activities and repetitive behaviors are observed. Disorder begins in the first three years of life.
Asperger disorder with impairment in social interaction and restricted activities and interests are determined. Delay in speech, but in truth there are less people with speech problems. Intelligence is usually normal or above normal.

Rett disorder: a progressive and occurs only in girls. But after initially normal development of skills and abilities previously acquired purposeful use of her hands and instead lose the repetitive movements caused between the ages of up to four at the beginning.

Childhood disintegrative disorder: growth, at least in the first two years of life is normal. Serious loss of skills that have been previously observed.

Non-specific binding of growth disorders: specific symptoms alone do not make any of the above problems and can not be replaced Rajzv one of the above classifications.

What causes autism?
Autism is a neurological dysfunction that can lead to long term disability - mental person. Although complications are rare, but the prevalence of autism or autism to 20 cases per 10/000 live births is. Although the main reason is not known, but in recent years many studies have been done in this area. Research emphasis on biological and neurological origin in the brain. In many families there is a history of autism or related disorders that cause issues in the discussion of genetics and immunology are discussed. So far, no specific gene that is associated with autism is not known about the role of genetics in the etiology of autism, and researchers disagree. But some of them as a combination of several genes that cause the disorder. Several theories have been proposed about autism has not been proven in any detail.

What are the symptoms of autism?
People with autism typic

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