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قالب وبلاگ

تاریخ : چهارشنبه 92/4/5 | 10:46 صبح | نویسنده : دیدن صفحه اصلی وبلاگ


Autism is a spectrum disorder. In general terms, this means that a person with autism can be mild or very severe. At the highest end of the spectrum there are Asperger syndrome, which is sometimes called the Little Professor Syndrome. Lowest end of the spectrum, often called classic autism that is often associated with mental retardation. Among the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders, including Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive Rshdghyr specified (NOS-PDD) there.

What is Autism?

Autism is a complex disorder, mental development is usually one of the first 3 years of life may occur. There seems to be a nervous system disorder in which the brain is not functioning correctly, the disease is effective. This disorder causes the brain of autistic patients unable to function properly in the context of social and communication skills. Autistic children and adults in verbal and nonverbal communication, social activities, fun and games are a problem. Autism is one of five disorders that collectively they are "pervasive developmental disorders" or the abbreviation "PDF Day" they say. These disorders include autism, Asperger"s disorder, childhood decentralization disorder, Rett disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders that do not meet the criteria mentioned diseases. Each of these diseases are specific recognition criteria have been defined by the American Psychological Association. The spectrum of diseases caused DVD, autism is estimated to have the highest number of children out of every 1,000 children between 2 and 6 are involved (as quoted by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001). This means that in a country like Iran, with a population of about 70 million, there are about 280 thousand patients are autistic and do not forget that this is number of every day. According to studies by the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism in this country, with a growth rate in excess of 10 to 17 percent. In other countries, like Iran, this disease is a growing concern that moving seriously Unfortunately, the organizations responsible for introducing the community and the disease has been done.
Autism is found throughout the world and has been seen only in boys than girls. In other words, race, place of residence, education level, economic status, belief, lifestyle, and ... Autism risk not confirmed in any Syry

Common symptoms of autism disorder:

Once initiated to increase public awareness about the disorder (Dr. Leo Conner was first scientifically described the disease in 1943), most people, even some medical training yet Azmtkhssyn understanding of how the effects of BV this The problem of how to deal and treat these people do not have enough knowledge. In simpler words, we can say that the patient can see people eye contact, good manners and some social factors Autistic Child in the no have shall yet healthy other factors vary requirements. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment as well as the advancement of knowledge and to identify treatment needs of people with.
Autism can be introduced to a wide spectrum of disease. Symptoms of this disease can be caused by the symptoms of autism can be mild to severe degrees. Although Rami Autism can be detected by a series of behaviors, but autistic people can have a combination of these behaviors and attitudes do not necessarily defined as a disorder of the whole show. It is possible that one of them has two children, show different behavior from the point of view of the skills are different. Parents may have different words in relation to the disease hear the children, like Autism-inclined autism, autism spectrum, high and low functioning autism, with high and low ability. Parents should note that most of the disease, its treatment is addressing. Must be appropriate to treat the children to learn their behaviors and their right to live in the future, like normal people. But achieving these goals requires timely and correct treatment, bearing difficulties related to the treatment.
Every autistic person like the rest of society has its own personality and like everyone has certain characteristics., Some of these children may have a little delay of the speech can with a little help type of verbal communication with others on the appropriate But the children may have been an act of communication itself will not show. Some of these children may have difficulty starting a conversation and verbal exchange. Autistic individuals often in conversation, behave one way that the only thing that interested parties talk the talk and do nothing. Some of these children are also seen violence and abuse. Autistic individuals may occur in the following behaviors:
1 - insisting on uniformity and resistance to change.
2 - They have three difficulty in expressing their needs instead of using gestures and the words they use.
3 - repeat the words, inappropriate laughing, crying unnecessary to show cause stress and worry.
4 - prefer to be alone.
5 - Aggression
6 - It is hard to establish relationships with others.
7 - They do not want someone to hug, or someone to hug them.
8 - since there are little or no eye contact.
9 - conventional training can not learn anything.
10 - Games of doing unusual.
11 - like objects orbiting objects and also try to bring the rotational mode.
12 - an unusual attachment to some of the things they are.
13 - the higher or lower sensitivity to pain than normal people.
14 - apparently not afraid of anything.
15 - In terms of physical activity, the activities are more or less healthy.
16 - Physical movements are smooth and not normal.
17 - although hearing tests on intact hearing them, but they proved to be indifferent to their name and show your verbal commands.
For most of us, it is clear that all five senses to help us understand what we experience. For example, the senses of touch, smell and taste the experience of eating a ripe peach to help us. Problems for autistic children is common sense. It is possible that some of these children feel a sense of unusual or that have been, or are more sensitive to it have a feeling. All the perfumes that may irritate it like to be autistic children, or a normal image and disturbed children, children have the taste of foods that escape. Some autistic children are sensitive to certain sounds and it is possible that some of the sounds that we hear daily routine may suffer. Experts agree that the Nabhnjaryha autistic disorder in children is on the set of their senses.
Another characteristic of autistic children show a lack of interest and affection with others. This item may be other exceptions as well. But why should not the parents of their children"s interests and should show his affection for the children to naturally occur to the child gradually show your emotions to learn.

Causes of Autism:

So far, no known causes of autism are unknown but it is known that cases of autism are caused by abnormal brain. In some cases, brain scans show that the brains of children with brain healthy Atysyk size and structure vary. Currently investigating the possible role of genetic factors and the incidence of side effects autism is ongoing. Autism in some families has been observed that such genetic diseases are passed from generation to generation, that this can theoretically Autism is genetic in some cases to prove., but in many cases it has been observed that there was no family history of autism or family. has also been identified in some children in the birth signs of autism have But this case can not be generalized. Researchers have not yet been able to discover the cause of autism specific disease and can be used alone to determine the incidence of a number of reasons, he said. Researchers also believe that under certain conditions the number of unstable genes may interfere with brain function and the incidence of autism are. many other researchers have investigated the incidence of autism during pregnancy. They believe that an unknown viral agent, metabolic disorders, infections or environmental chemicals during pregnancy can cause this disease. The risk of autism in children who are susceptible to diseases such as syndrome X gene, Tvbrvs Slrvsys, rubella syndrome, and untreated phenylketonuria Ktnvryay be higher. Certain hazardous materials such as mercury that enters the mother"s body during pregnancy are at risk for autism may to increase.
In recent years, questions have been raised about the relationship between vaccination and the occurrence of autism remains controversial. The research was carried out in 2001 in the U.S., where about vaccines, "I"m working" and autism were examined. In this research, it was found that some children with autism is a disease caused by the vaccine. Yet other researchers to investigate further not adequate and sought are.
However, whatever the cause of autism is or should know that children with autism are born, or getting ready to have it. Contrary to what the disease was thought to be or the inability to bad education of the parents in large The child is not. Autism is not a mental illness. Autistic children are treatable and certainly hope they will not know any better and psychological factors is not known is the children cause Autism.

Autism diagnosis:

There are no medical tests to diagnose the disease. Diagnosis of autism in a child"s behavior, communication and intellectual development of the child should be carefully studied. Since some symptoms are common to many other diseases may be prescribed for children with different medical specialists and tested to make sure children are in the presence or absence of other problems.
In a meeting with a short review not possible to definitively proved the existence of autism in children. Views of parents and the child"s complete development of a child"s autism diagnosis is necessary. At first glance it may seem autistic children with mental retardation, behavioral disorders, hard of hearing or have sound strange behavior. Course all of these symptoms may be present in this to the Autistic Child diagnosis more difficult are. however careful and thorough examination of the child should be the first thing to be done because this way we can to help proper application of the Autistic Child his treatment.
Early detection:
Research has shown that early diagnosis and improve the treatment of children with autism is very effective. How early can a child with autism can be detected at the early time of treatment is to help the children benefited.
Detection methods:
Autism signs and symptoms may occur in the neonatal period and perhaps this does not happen, but if the symptoms of the disease between 24 months to 6 years old, will show. A dermatologist should be a clear and detailed set of questions about how to prepare and respond to their child"s physical and mental development through parent precise observations obtained.
National Association of Education and Children"s Health in the United States for the first five questions provided an examination of Autistic Child:
1 - Does your child before 12 months of age and whispering voice has?
2 - 12 months before your child pointing, gestures, or taking advantage of others and also bye bye
3 - 16 months before your child uses words only?
4 - 24 months before the child has used a combination of two words?
5 - None of the children have lost their social skills?
In case of a negative answer to the first question and yes to the four questions is the possibility of autism in children. Again, we are reminded of the need for diagnostic studies that should be precise and comprehensive information should be by qualified personnel and. An accurate and complete of a child during by a pediatrician and suspected to be Autism psychologist Adviser Education and learning, child neurologist, speech therapist, and other professionals in the field of autism is examined.

Consultation with a specialist:

If you have children of your own doctor or autism is suspected, however, should be examined by someone who specializes in autism. Maybe this person is a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a child is an expert of. It is sometimes possible An accurate diagnosis and treatment is a specialist team for this team can be composed of the following persons:
1 - a specialist in child development: The individual can be difficult to treat in children"s health and development.
2 - child psychiatrist: this person can help in early diagnosis and, if necessary, may prescribe medications to help.
3 - Child psychology: understanding and helping children with behavioral and mental states and mental development of children with disabilities, psychological, social and examines. A psychologist can help in improving child behavior and child social skills to help you.
4 - Behavior Therapy: This person can also improve children"s ability to function in daily Brkmk such as dressing, eating and other things, independence, and sense of status, discrimination, and other children"s ability to help him.
5 - Occupational therapy: treatment of a child in the correct use of muscles and body parts for large and small body can help.
6 - speech therapy in improving speech skills and abilities he is very effective.
7 - Family Counselor: A person can guide in addition to your relationship with your child, you better productivity and resource centers to help children in the community to help with treatment.
It is important that child care professionals and parents have worked very closely together because this way you will get the highest returns., As the expertise and experience professionals to treat your child is, as well as those you abilities and characteristics of the child better than anyone else you know, you"re helping children and the development of effective therapy. When a child begins treatment program for regular exchange of information and dialogue between parents and therapists can carry out treatment program and the child"s progress is important. Otaq the guidance of the Here we show the we mentioned:
Increase your information. So you know where your child can increase the ability of a person in order to be able to be effective in the treatment and care of your child"s performance and behavior. Of the terms used thing therapists.Interferance may ask them for more you can not to explain.
Keep her always., You should always be prepared with the necessary specialists, therapists and medical authorities and schools to meet. Questions and answers already provided them write them as you write.
The health plan must be organized. Many parents who have had successful treatment program that follows the stages of treatment, and the work was undertaken and prepared reports and studies have to be done.
Communication is very important. You need to learn whether positive or negative should talk with experts and practitioners to discuss all things needed to make., You must agree with clearly the reasons for agreeing or not to the issues therapists and other specialists to discuss the current problems can be solved through mutual.

Pass the verification step:
Most of the families through this very difficult and painful process. This feeling is perfectly normal and natural, but do not forget that the diagnosis of autism in a child"s life is still to be lived. Even for an Autistic Child life can be both enjoyable and interesting, and also for those who have to live with the children who love him. Although the treatment of these children is a long hard road but forget the love that God has placed in the hearts of parents and all the joys of being a parent and your child have a sweet Zbanyha can be the hard way tolerance and a future full of hope and joy can figure.

Chapter II: treatment, education

The overall look:
For parents to know that their child has autism bitter and painful experience. For many families, the diagnosis may be shocking and unexpected, some parents may be months or even years after the present on your baby"s performing tests Autism most of present prove. The However, parents of children who are just beginning to realize the truth of the many unanswered questions ahead of his see. In decades past, usually the children were in child care centers are mentally handicapped. Experts have little information about the disease and ways to treat it and had little social services for these patients. Today, although still being investigated by researchers and experts on the causes and treatment of this disease are, but we see significant improvement compared to previous years. Thus a brighter future for these children can expect. Now, in many countries, good social services for the people and their parents are provided and methods, medicines and health centers provide a significant contribution to autistic patients.
While no specific treatment for autism has been found yet, but there are ways to treat these children to help them to be more able to benefit, and even specimen has been found in a complete treatment of. In addition, this treatment helps to reduce behavior disorders in children, as well as the independence of the child, the child can learn to independently meet their needs and a normal life, gradually to be. Since the behaviors and disorders in autistic children is much different and varied, yet they consider several treatment plan for success for each have been. In the treatment of autistic children must be considered in this case, the treatment should be tailored to each child"s abilities and disorders he is planning.
Please note that the content mentioned here is not only to enhance the diagnosis and treatment of your data, and having a diagnosis of autism experts, check treatment program should be.

Management and training: chniques and improved communication 

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